Sometimes it takes a kick in the pants

It’s been several weeks now. The first restrictions started in mid March, and by late March we were under a stay at home order. It’s the story of everyone’s life right now, isn’t it?

I am employed, for the moment, by a video production company where I’ve happily worked for six and a half years. The company’s situation has been a rollercoaster since this whole thing began, our prospects changing from one day to the next — sometimes one hour to the next. We are able to work from home, thankfully, but most of our projects are in production (on hold until the stay at home order is lifted and we can shoot) or postproduction, which means I, the writer, haven’t had much on my plate these last several weeks.

For at least a couple years now, I’ve toyed with the idea of publishing my finished screenplays as books. You know the way you read a Shakespeare play? Sort of like that. Still in script format, but sold as a paperback. Anyway, I thought about it, but never did anything about it.

Until now.

A pandemic and a stay at home order were the kick in the pants I needed. I started to think, what if my job goes away? Is this my opportunity to focus on my own writing? Maybe I should do that anyway, whether my job goes away or not.

So I’m doing it. I’m publishing two of my screenplays. Look for “Bergman Manor” at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and other places soon and “The Detective’s Secretary” shortly after that.


“Bergman Manor” cover reveal